SEDCO approves incentives for tortilla, chip producer

14 Aug 2024

News and Media

8/14/2024 (Michael Hutchins, Herald Democrat)

For the past three years, Sherman has worked to solidify itself as a hub for semiconductor and chip production in North Texas. Now, SEDCO hopes to bring in another kind of chip producer as a part of market diversification efforts.

The SEDCO board of trustees agreed Tuesday to offer $2.1 million of incentives to Easy Foods, Inc. — a tortilla chip manufacturer who plans to develop 30 acres in the Progress Park VI business park.

The incentive comes one month after the board approved a separate $1.3 million incentive for Lawrence Equipment, Inc. and subsidiary Molinos USA, Inc. for the construction of a corn meal production site adjacent to the Easy Foods property.

“They are a very large manufacturer of flour and corn tortillas and chips,” SEDCO President Kent Sharp said Tuesday. “This company works really closely with the company that we approved (last month).”

Easy Foods plans to invest up to $60 million in the site and build a new 150,000- to 250,000-square-foot production building. The new production site could lead to the creation of about 238 new jobs.

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