Supporting Sherman Women-Owned and Minority-Owned Businesses

Sherman WOMO is working to create an environment of education and support to increase the number and size of Sherman women-owned and minority-owned businesses by:

  • Work with the WOMO committee to continue a program that will educate and provide support to new and existing women- and/or minority-owned business owners.
  • Continue workshops and an annual event featuring local, successful, WOMO business leaders presenting topics relevant to finance, organization, and marketing.  
  • Market the WOMO directory on social media and
  • Educate WOMO business owners on resources available to grow and expand their operations. 
  • Encourage participation of WOMO business owners in events and other networking opportunities within the City of Sherman to market their businesses. 
  • Host small group breakout sessions quarterly to offer business networking and discussion in a more intimate setting. 

* As of October 2023, to be eligible for the Sherman WOMO Directory your business must have a physical location address in Sherman, TX. Home-based businesses located in Sherman, TX are eligible. Businesses submitted that do not have a Sherman address will not be published to the directory. 

WOMO Quarterly Small Group Breakout Sessions

If you would like to participate in one of our WOMO Quarterly Small Group Breakout Sessions, please reach out via email to