Pottsboro High leading Swap It Up competition

10 Oct 2018


Oct 10, 2018, By: William C. Wadsack, Herald Democrat

students from Pottsboro High School are currently leading a competition between local Advanced Manufacturing Program students designed to help meet the needs of local nonprofits.
The Swap it Up competition was organized by the Sherman Economic Development Corp. in conjunction with the chambers of commerce in the towns with schools with AMP classes participating in the program — Sherman, Pottsboro and Whitesboro. AMP got off the ground in 2016 and is currently comprised of 30 area industrial employers, as well as SEDCO; Workforce Solutions Texoma; the Denison Development Alliance; Grayson College; and the four high schools of Sherman, Denison, Pottsboro, and Whitesboro. The program begins with sophomore students, who undergo a year of classes at their respective campuses before moving on as juniors and seniors to hands-on work at Grayson College and an internship with an employer.

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